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New bathrooms planned for Central Park

Tehachapi Valley Recreation & Park District

At their Aug. 15 meeting, the Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District Board unanimously approved the organization's 2023-24 final budget.

Operations Manager Kent Beal told the Board that new bathrooms are planned for Philip Marx Central Park. Beal said it is hoped they will be able to move them closer to Mojave St. near the handicap parking spaces. The old bathrooms are in bad shape and funding for the new ones is available with Capital Improvement Funds. The four new bathrooms will all be unisex with two of them being handicap accessible.

Beal told the Board that TVRPD had received their new Grasshopper 725D Diesel Lawnmower and displayed it in front of the meeting room. He also reported that TVRPD had converted one of the West Park tennis courts for Pickleball.