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GHCSD begins review of new Nature Park plan

At the Sept. 21 meeting of the Golden Hills CSD Board of Directors, General Manager Christopher Carlson presented the first draft of a new 15-year Master Plan for the Golden Hills Nature Park. Carlson emphasized that this was a draft only for the board and residents to review and make suggestions. The new plan reviewed the accomplishment of the previous (2016) 5-year plan that had focused on trail and lake maintenance and the board agreed that it was time to move forward.

All of the Directors felt that the plan should consider moving the Community Services District offices to the location of the old clubhouse on Woodford-Tehachapi Rd., as one of the first priorities. All were assured by Carlson that this plan would be a moving document with the ability to shift priorities to satisfy public interests. The remainder of the plan focuses on the development of the Golden Hills Nature Park Complex that would surround the new District offices with a community center, multi-use courts, playground, dog park, pavilion, walking trails and more.

Major concerns were about funding. These were addressed and everyone was assured that no funding for the complex would come from any public funds but that the board will be looking for grant opportunities. Carlson added that Measure K funds could be used for adding police officers. Water funds can only be used to help with the new District Offices, Carlson added.

The Directors have a month to review the document and it will be discussed again and revised if necessary at the next meeting of the Golden Hills CSD Board on Oct. 19. Residents can request copies of the plan at the GHCSD office.

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