Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

You can make a difference!

Marty’s Musings

Giving back, it’s almost become a generic term, and it’s meaning is probably different for each one of us. For me it meant taking the opportunities I had, finding areas that were important to me and trying to make a difference in my communities.

First, you must find your passions. If you’re going to make a difference you need to know what drives you, and where you can make a difference in something that is important to you. For me it was always veterans and kids. I knew for me to give back, to make a difference, those were the areas my heart leaned toward.

Then you must decide if there is a need you can fulfill. Where can you make a difference with the passions you have and the skills and gifts you possess? I was the founding Chairman of the Family Life Pregnancy Center in Tehachapi and there was no doubt in anybody’s mind what my gifts and roll would be. You need to find that niche for you and it’s different for everyone!

You have to make sure you enjoy the ride. If the process becomes drudgery or you lose your passion, the results will show it. I was fortunate to play Santa for over 15 years at nursing homes in Bakersfield and with my wife Laurie in the parade here in Tehachapi. We loved every minute of it and made sure the kids loved it, too! Which brings me to my next point.

Share your vision and allow other people to become a part of it. When I started the Toys for Tots program in our town I got several incredible businesses to join me in the endeavor and that’s what made it successful ... the community involvement. We even did a Christmas in July for a few years where we had a party, Santa showing up in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, and gathered some more toys for the community.

We can all make a difference in our town, find out what your passion is, what your gifts are, then share the vision. All of us will be the better for it.

Marty Pay is a contributing writer for The Loop newspaper and has been a Financial Planner for years and teaches Finance at a local University. He can be reached at Farmers Insurance in Tehachapi (661) 822-3737.

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