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Church to offer a traditional Seder, March 23

This special Seder celebration will be at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 23 at Shepherd of the Hills Church, 24300 Bear Valley Springs Rd., next to the Cummings Valley School.

There’s no charge for lunch. Consider joining us for this special worship service at 10:30 a.m. If you have ever wondered what was the last meal Christ ate with His disciples, before His crucifixion and resurrection, this is the Seder.

A Seder meal is in specific order because it tells a story. The Passover Seder tells the story at how God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and into their promised land! We will show you exactly where the Israelites crossed the red sea.

While the Passover is more commonly associated with Jewish celebrations, Christians will have the chance to learn more about its significance to both faiths.

Jesus chose this time to announce His fulfillment of the new covenant as prophesied in Jeremiah 3.1. The four elements of the new covenant parallel the four cups observed in the Seder. Christ asked us to do this in remembrance of him.

The Seder exists in order to pass on important Bible history and biblical truth. We don’t just hear the Word. We see, smell, taste and feel the Word. The Seder reminds us that our God keeps His promises.

Everyone is invited to come to Shepherd Of The Hills Church to enjoy this special worship service. This Seder starts at 10:30 a.m. with a kosher meal following at approximately noon. There is no charge for this special Seder, so come out and join the rest of us and enjoy the wonderful celebration.

Shepherd of the Hills Church will have an outdoor Sunrise Service celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the grave on March 31. Be here by 6:30 a.m. so you won’t miss any of this special celebration.

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