At their April 16 meeting, the Board of Directors of the Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District recognized two of their long-term members who will be retiring May 1. Bill Steele has been on the TVHD board since 1992 and Dwayne Moats since 2012. Moats is moving out of state. The district will begin posting for the vacancies beginning May 1 and they plan to make a decision at the May 21 meeting. Moats position would be for a full four-year term while Steele's would be for the two remaining years of his term.
TVHD CEO Peggy Mendiburu reported progress with renting out medical spaces at the newly purchased building at 20111 Valley Blvd. citing interest by new doctors as well as a former tenant. TVHD has also applied for a grant to help finance the Community Garden and should be hearing the results soon. Although Adventist did not have a representative present, it was reported that they were awarded $2 million to begin a graduate education program. It is hoped that the program will train young physicians here who will eventually want to return to practice in Tehachapi. Head of Nursing, Bree Patterson, notified the Board that AHTV is now able to offer dialysis at the hospital.
The Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District meets at 10 a.m. on the third Tuesday of the month at the District offices, located at 116 W. F St.