Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

More regulations: what to do about them

At the May meeting of the Greater Tehachapi Economic Development Council, Waste Management made a presentation about the new mandates of the great State of California regarding different colored collection containers for organic waste and recyclables.

Local government will have the additional expense of enforcement, but taxpayers will ultimately bear the additional costs. Sculpt365 has a way to offset these additional expenses and make you healthier as well: Quit drinking sugary drinks and water in plastic bottles. Instead, clip out this article, bring it to Sculpt 365 at 20936 Sage Ln., and receive a free 40oz stainless steel tumbler. Fill it with clean filtered water from our drinking fountain. The money you save will more than offset the new trash regulations and pay for a membership at Sculpt365. You will look better, feel better and have a better mental outlook!

– Terry Delamater is the owner of Sculpt365 Health Clubs and a retired Pharmacist.

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