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Valley Oaks Charter School honors 2024 Co-Valedictorians, Tahlia Alvarez and Logan Fascinato

Home schooling requires a student to have diligence, self-motivation, organizational skills and goals for success. Tahlia and Logan certainly have these attributes!

Todd Thorpe.

Tahlia Alvarez.

Tahlia Alvarez is the 2024 Co-Valedictorian of Valley Oaks Charter School, Tehachapi

She transferred to VOCS her junior year, but has been a homeschooler since the 7th grade. Tahlia's interests are in creating digital art, designing the interior and exterior of houses in video games and collecting various thrift store music in a variety of formats for her own pleasure. She is an accomplished pianist, as well. Tahlia plans to become a freelance artist.

Tahlia's main interest, however, remains in focusing on helping others learn about the Bible. She feels that the verse, "So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles" (Matthew 6:34, New World Translation), is fitting as it is always a good reminder for herself. Tahlia says that she naturally tends to overthink and worry about all the possibilities and everything that needs to be done, but this scripture always helps her to just stop and focus on one thing at a time. She thinks others would appreciate this as well.

This friendly and accomplished student is a shining light to everyone around her!

Todd Thorpe.

Logan Fascinato.

Logan Facinato is the 2024 Co-Valedictorian of Valley Oaks Charter School, Tehachapi

He has been home schooling with VOCS since 8th grade. Logan's interests are in developing and programming online tournaments for him and his friends. Logan began this endeavor during covid, he claims he devised this strategy to gather friends during this isolating time. A quote from Logan shows his true compassion for humankind, " When we are kept from connecting to others in a traditional sense, we just need to adjust our perspective, there is always a way to connect to others". Logan's said his favorite and most rewarding study was his Senior Seminar Project. He explained that it was the importance of the message and the awareness of the information he wanted to present. Logan took on the undeniable difficult topic of suicide prevention – perhaps the most difficult topic of all.

After school Logan will be attending a local collage to earn a degree in accounting. He also looks forward to getting back to honing in his guitar-skills, something he began in enrichment classes at VOCS.