Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Railroad Museum events


FOTD President Diana Buerge (left) with upcoming meeting speaker, Bob Alvis and FOTD Vice President Marlan Woodside prepare for a city podcast about their upcoming meeting.

Interested in local history? Mark your calendar now for the Friends of the Tehachapi Depot (FOTD) free event taking place Tuesday, June 11 at 6 p.m. in the Tehachapi Depot freight room.

There will be food and drink served followed by a presentation from Antelope Valley (AV) Historian Bob Alvis. Bob will discuss the original Santa Fe railroad line that ran from Boron to Mojave, California. The line was relocated to its present location paralleling Highway 58 as a result of the expansion of Edwards Air Force Base in the early 1950s.

In addition, Bob will discuss the mission of the AV Rural Museum that is located at the AV fairgrounds. There will be a question and answer session to conclude the presentation.

Check out the latest Tehachapod session, the Tehachapi Depot website or Facebook page for more details. If you aren't currently a member of the FOTD, please RSVP at (661) 823-1100. This event is free and is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of regional history.

A reminder of another event happening on the depot grounds Saturday, May 25 at 1 p.m., is the operation of the Stokoe Signal Garden, narrated by Union Pacific retired signal maintainer and FOTD Docent Mark McGowan and FOTD Advisor/Docent Doug Pickard.