Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Jennifer Palakiko looks forward to creating 'The Magic of Rotary'

Rotary Club of Tehachapi


Jennifer Palakiko.

On July 11, Jennifer Palakiko presided over her first official meeting as the 2024-25 President of the Rotary Club of Tehachapi. Jennifer welcomed everyone and shared the Rotary International Theme for the year: "The Magic of Rotary."

Jennifer shared an inspirational video of Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick explaining the choice for the 2024-25 Rotary theme. "The Magic of Rotary" was inspired by a trip that President Urchick made to the Dominican Republic, installing water filters as part of an international project to bring clean water to underserved areas. She explained that a crowd had gathered, and once the filters were installed, they could see the dirty water going into the filter, and clean water coming out. They stopped the flow of the water, and a young boy grabbed her arm and said, "Lady! Lady! Show me that magic again!"

Obviously, the water filter wasn't magic; Rotarians had worked hard to obtain, transport and install the filters, in addition to educating the local residents on how to maintain them. However, those young boys knew that access to clean water would change their lives, and being involved in that project changed her life. She reminded all Rotarians that they can create and unlock the magic in their own communities through their own service projects.

Jennifer talked about her vision and goals for the year, then introduced the Rotary Board for 2024-25: Past President Paul Kaminski, President Elect/Secretary Suzie Andreas-Bervel, Treasurer Chris Naftel, Youth Service Chair Judy Trujillo, Fundraising Chair Linda Carhart, Community Service Chair Rhonda Brady, Membership Chair Tim Trujillo, International Service Chair Jerry Munson, Club Service Chair Marsha Huff, Social Media/Publicity Chair Teresa Waller, Foundation/Peace Builder Chair Paul Kaminski and Co-Sargeant at Arms Scott Hammer and Jerry Munson.

Each board member gave a brief description of their duties, and talked about the support they needed from the club for their committees. Jennifer then provided all members of the club with the opportunity to join the various committees. This will give everyone the chance to be involved and connect with the areas of the club that they are most interested in or passionate about, providing service in ways that will fulfill "The Magic of Rotary" in the community of Tehachapi!

The Tehachapi Rotary Club meets at noon every Thursday at Kelcy's. Rotary is committed to "Service Above Self," and devotes time and resources to projects in the local community, scholarships for college-bound high school seniors, and supporting global efforts for polio eradication. For more information about the Rotary Club, you can visit their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/RotaryClubofTehachapi/.