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'Deathtrap:' the characters speak for themselves

Tehachapi Community Theatre Spotlight


One of the best challenges theatre demands of an actor is to create a compelling character. Kenny Chugg, Director of "Deathtrap" by Ira Levin, lets the Tehachapi Community Theatre Association (TCTA) cast have their say.

Sidney Bruhl, the famous playwright, was delighted to be interviewed.

"It's always a pleasure to talk to the media. Although I haven't had a hit in 18 years, I'm in negotiations with producers like David Merrick. This play will be my crowning achievement: a stunning murder mystery guaranteed to take Broadway by storm. I enjoy murder, weapons and mayhem. There is a juicy murder in the first act. Shocking. You can hardly conceive of what will happen next. I don't even know," said Sidney Bruhl, played by Ed Kramer.

"Clifford Anderson here. I've recently dashed off my first play, an intricate and intriguing thriller. My title? 'Deathtrap.' I've asked my former teacher and master plotter, Sidney Bruhl himself, to mentor me. We have concocted a killer play. Without giving too much away, all I'll say is that not everything is as it seems. I do hope you'll come see 'Deathtrap,' opening at the BeeKay Theatre in Tehachapi on Aug. 16," said Christian Engelbrecht, who plays the young protégée of Sidney Bruhl.

"I'm Myra Bruhl, Sidney's wife. Sidney hasn't been working on any new plays. He's had quite the dry spell. So, I'm happy that he's collaborating with this young writer. Although we've been married for 11 wonderful years, I don't think I've quite gotten him figured out. He can certainly surprise me – and often does. My husband is a genius. He can tell a story better than anyone. Come see 'Deathtrap.' It's going to a blockbuster," said Jessica DeMumbrum, who plays Myra Bruhl.

Helga ten Dorp, the renowned Dutch psychic, working on her life story with a next-door neighbor of the Bruhls, was alarmed. "Suddenly, I get strong premonitions of dangerous events happening in the Bruhl household. I sense much danger. I go there. It is my duty to tell them. They must take my warnings seriously because when the moon is full, I am at the top of my psychic game. And the moon was full that night," said Leslie Reynolds, who plays Helga ten Dorp.

"Just call me Porter. I've known Sidney for 20 years. Been his lawyer for 15. Came to visit just to check on him. For some reason I had the feeling something was amiss. Of all my entertainment clients, Sidney is my favorite. He never ceases to astonish," said Ben Baldassarre, who plays Porter Milgrim.

Ryan Bass, a newcomer to TCTA explained, "I've always wanted to act. I landed the job of Clifford's understudy at my first audition for TCTA. I dug in, got my lines down and came to all the rehearsals. It's great to work with Christian. We are two very different people creating a complicated character who eventually gets more than he bargains for. I will be playing Clifford starting on Aug. 30. See the show twice. Once with Christian and once with me."

Deathtrap opens Aug. 16 at the BeeKay Theatre, 110 S. Green St., Tehachapi. Tickets available at TCTAonstage.com. There's still time to volunteer, call Katrina Flowers at (661) 406-1129.

Shows Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Aug. 16 through Sept. 1.