Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Rotary activities focus on service to youth

Rotary Club of Tehachapi


To thank Judy Trujillo for her presentation, President Jennifer Palakiko presented her with a certificate and a donation was made to the Rotary Foundation in her honor.

At the Sept. 12, meeting of the Rotary Club of Tehachapi, the club was treated to a presentation from Judy Trujillo, Youth Services chairperson, regarding the programs the Rotary Club sponsors for local students of all ages. Youth Services is an important focus for the Tehachapi Rotary Club, and approximately two-thirds of the annual budget is dedicated to projects that benefit the children of the community.

As a career high school educator, Judy has a special passion for Interact, which stands for "international action," and is basically a Rotary Club for high school students. Tehachapi has two active Interact Clubs: one at Tehachapi High School, which operates under advisors Amy Watkins and Alicia O'Beirne, and one at Valley Oaks Charter School, which is under advisor Nena Thornburg. The clubs meet several times each month and are committed to providing service to others through a variety of projects, which have included planting trees, picking up trash in the community, painting facilities at West Park, making posters/organizing a walk for a local "Make a Wish" child, helping with the annual Breakfast with Santa and face painting and craft booths for Hometown Christmas. Valley Oaks is proud to have installed the first Peace Pole to promote respect for diversity, and a Peace Pole will be installed at Tehachapi High School in the near future.

Judy provided information on one of the important projects for the Interact clubs, which is Say Yes! This program happens at different levels and locations throughout the year, to empower students to become models of character, leadership and service. Judy explained that September is Suicide Prevention Month, so Say Yes! was kicked off with a Walk for Wellness on Sept. 14, as mental wellness is a relevant concern for the youth of today. This event highlights the importance of bringing the community together to help everyone SayYes! to joy, school, friends, life and celebration. Tehachapi Rotary also sponsors 10 students to attend Kern Yes! later this year, where they engage in a day of keynote speakers, breakout sessions on leadership/service, a chance to meet students from other schools and even enjoy a dance at the end of the evening. In addition, Tehachapi Rotary held their own Say Yes! event so more students locally could benefit from the empowerment activities.

Another program close to Judy's heart is sending students to RYLA, a 4-day leadership training held each year in Ojai, California. Judy says, "It changes kids' lives." Rotary brings together high school students from four different counties for leadership training, and the students are given the opportunity to meet many people from other places. The students come back and give a presentation at the Rotary meeting sharing what they learned and the impact the experience had on them. Judy drives the students to the event, and stays with them as an advisor throughout the training.

Judy also highlighted Rotary's youth activities at the middle school level, such as the SOAR awards, which stands for Student Outstanding Achievement Recognition. These awards are aimed at nurturing and acknowledging potential in students by honoring those who have improved their academic performance and raised their grades. In addition, the Club holds an annual 4-Way Test Essay Contest at the middle and high school level, with cash awards for the winners, as well as the opportunity to move on to the Rotary District 5240 competition.

At the elementary level, one key project is the Kindergarten Book Give away, where every kindergarten student receives a personalized book. The kindergarten teachers help collect the information, then every student receives a book that has their name, teacher, friends and family members included in the story. This beloved project has been happening for about 10 years, and parents often comment that they look forward to getting the books, because the older siblings have treasured them.

The Rotary Club of Tehachapi is extremely appreciative to the local businesses and community members who open their hearts to support fundraising efforts throughout the year, which benefit the children of the community. Judy summed up her commitment to Youth Service by saying, "Teenagers have always enriched my life, and Rotary Youth Service has allowed me to give back. I am lucky to count some of my students as some of my very best friends."

The Tehachapi Rotary Club meets at noon every Thursday at Kelcy's. Rotary is committed to "Service Above Self," and devotes time and resources to projects in the local community, scholarships for college-bound high school seniors, and supporting global efforts for polio eradication. For more information about the Rotary Club, you can visit their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/RotaryClubofTehachapi/.